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Edinburgh Women’s Aid is a Living Wage Employer.




We currently have no vacancies.



Edinburgh Women’s Aid strives to be an Equal Opportunities Employer. Women only need apply under Schedule 9 (Part 1) of the Equality Act 2010.


Edinburgh Women’s Aid is a charity registered in Scotland, charity number SC028301 and a company limited by guarantee, registered company no SC237521.

Edinburgh Women’s Aid (“EWA”) wants to ensure you understand our processing of your personal data. We are also required by data protection regulation to explain certain matters to you. This notice sets out that information.

This privacy notice tells you what to expect when EWA collects personal information about job applicants and our current and former employees and volunteers. Information about service users  and supporters’ data is contained in a separate privacy notice, which is available on our website or using the contact details set out below.

For the avoidance of doubt, this privacy notice does not form part of any employees’ contract of employment, and we may update it at any time. Please click on this link to open the full Privacy Notice (employees)