Edinburgh Women’s Aid Complaints Information
Edinburgh Women’s Aid aims to provide a high quality service to all its users and your comments and suggestions are always welcome to help us improve our service. However, there may be times when you are not happy with the service you have received. This information outlines how you can make a complaint and how it will be dealt with.
Who can complain?
Anyone who receives or requests a service from Edinburgh Women’s Aid can use the complaints procedure. Your complaint will be dealt with sympathetically and in confidence.
Complaints can be made in person, by telephone, in writing by text, email, letter, or by using the complaints form.
How to make a complaint
You have every right to make a formal complaint if you wish to do so. However, it is often quicker and easier to try to resolve the problem informally. If you are not satisfied with the service you have received you should let us know as soon as possible what is wrong. You can complain to any member of staff who has been dealing with you and they will try to resolve the issue for you.
If you do not receive a satisfactory response or do not want to involve the staff member you should make a complaint to the CEO – Linda Rodgers. This can be made directly by telephone, email, letter, in person by appointment or you can ask a member of our staff to take down the details of your complaint and pass the information to Linda.
Linda Rodgers
Edinburgh Women’s Aid
4 Cheyne Street
Edinburgh EH4 1JB
0131 315 8111 / lindarodgers@edinwomensaid.co.uk
Your complaint will be investigated by someone not involved with the issue and you will be told in writing what the outcome is.
If you still feel that your complaint has not been satisfactorily resolved, or if your complaint is about the CEO, or if your complaint is about the EWA as a whole organisation you should write to Chair of the Board of Edinburgh Women’s Aid at the above address or at edinwomensaidtrustees@outlook.com . She will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and will arrange for someone to assess your complaint and outcome. You will be invited to meet with the investigator if you want to speak directly about your complaint. A friend or advisor can come with you.
Care Inspectorate
You can at any time take your complaint to the Care Inspectorate. Leaflets about making a complaint to them are available from Edinburgh Women’s Aid, or you can contact them on 0345 600 9527 / enquiries@careinspectorate.com / www.careinspectorate.com