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Our people

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the organisation. Our trustees are all women volunteers who have a range of relevant skills, knowledge and experience.

There are currently 9 Trustees who are committed to ensuring that EWA continues to provide support for women and their children who have experienced, or who are at risk of, domestic abuse.

Trustees have a responsibility to:

  • Safeguard and promote the values and mission of EWA
  • Determine the strategy and structure of EWA
  • Ensure EWA operates effectively
  • Ensure the effective functioning of the Board of Trustees


We currently have around 44 permanent female employees who provide emotional and practical support where it’s needed. We are all highly experienced in helping women and children recover from abusive relationships and to start new lives free from threat and fear.

SSSC Registration

Our worker workers have the right skills, knowledge and values to do their role and are registered with the Scottish Social Services Council(SSSC). To be on the register workers must already hold or be working towards a job specific qualification. The SSSCCodes of Practiceset out the standards that workers and employers have to meet. If workers fail to meet these standards the SSSC can investigate their fitness to practise and if Edinburgh Women’s Aid fails to meet the Codes the Care Inspectorate can take action.

Living Wage

Edinburgh Women’s Aid is a Living Wage Employer.